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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

A black organization, main plot related, and CoAi THREE PARTER!!?!???!!? I am living in the moment

Help I'm so scared. The kids are having a fun time throwing snowballs at each other and they have this really ominous music playing in the background

Conan sees Gin's car and his first thought is the break into it!??!!!!?!!;?!;!!

Omg we finally get to see the main villain of the show after so long!!!

Gin is so funny to me he is just walking across the road regardless of the moving traffic
Breaking News: Gin and Vodka arrested for jaywalking!

Conan just yelled at Haibara to shut up!!?;! Rude!!!

15:01 I'm going to go insane if they keep this up


17:23 FHFHSJGGKS!'(5$(5-("(:":"(-(&#$-)';)!'"''+*(&#(&#@-) 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
This is going to be the end of me

17:38 I'm going insane you guys

Chi A • 1 year ago

Wait is she really vermouth?!

strange guy • 1 year ago

Lol you didn’t mention about conan giving his glasses to hibari

Satilinethejay • 11 months ago

Do you think Haibara sleeps in the same room as Hakase because she feels safer when in a group or because despite practically living in a mansion Hakase has modified it so much there are no guest rooms. I like to think it's the first one, like she sees Hakase as family/safe since he took her in when she escaped the BO, and is also too paranoid to sleep alone in case something were to happen, thus being in a group is safer. This is just a headcannon though. Conan's outfit is so cute in this episode. In other episodes too the characters outfits are always so good. Why do all the Detective Conan characters have such good taste in fashion, or rather it'd be Gosho who has a good taste in fashion? Conan just bouncing the ball on his head like a seal lol. Oh, fuck! Shinichi's fingerprints are now on that car! Just two kids and an old man casually breaking into an exspessive car in the middle of the day with people around, nothing suspicious there.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Finally an awesome episode

plutoxoxo • 5 months ago

the excitement I feel whenever the black organization is involved in any form in an episode! i'm so thrilled it's crazy

strange guy • 1 year ago

17:31 honestly conan you would just be like spideman not Superman

sally • 2 years ago

So at those time they still couldn’t/didn’t find out how to use DNA to track someone. Daebak. Science is really cool

lovestay • 2 years ago

detective conan start to develop in season 7 , finally an eps bout black organization and shinichi comeback arc 😭😭😭

Krazy_Kirby • 5 months ago

episode 5ish was supposed to be gin and vodka, anime change it.
(train bombing case)

strange guy • 1 year ago

Um we had an episode on that a bit around 128

Delta Chi • 1 year ago

1 year on Has shinichi returned yet
And how did this comment survive the purge

strange guy • 1 year ago

Could be because there were people into the show I just got into august

christian engesæt • 2 years ago

WHY WHY the hell detective brats ?Do they need to open with those brats

strange guy • 1 year ago

I mean they are sadly the same age

Dark dragon master • 2 weeks ago

I wish if Haibara would wear a cap or glasses or something to hide her face my nerves throughout the episode

strange guy • 1 year ago

Man an episode where it’s snowing again